Friday, January 12, 2018

Linderhof . . . a Little House On The Prairie

Lines from Linderhof 
has been my blog since 2008
I've had computer problems and cannot access the original blog

So a new blog is born!

is our house
pictured above after a snow

It's a 1920s house in a small town in SE Kansas
In 2018, we'll have lived her for 30 years

It's really a small house
This 1920s house:

living room, dining room, kitchen
and our addition, a breakfast porch

guest room, bath, master bedroom and sunroom 

There is an attic and a basement

The rooms though few are large
which makes a great house for entertaining

There is a back garden filled with flowers and herbs
And a patio for summer parties

It's our home
Has been since May of 1988
And we love her.